Gzdoom svn
Gzdoom svn

gzdoom svn

+ - Added gametic unlagged which should perform better under varying net conditions compared to ping-based unlagged. + - The client movement buffer is now reordered based on the client's gametic information before the commands are processed. This bumps the protocol version to 4, but clients using protocol 3 are still supported. + - Added support for RCON client tab-completion. + - The server now kicks its clients when it shuts down. + - Added bloodsplatter effects to also be performed when cl_hitscandecalhack is set to true. + - Added CVAR cl_clientsidepuffs which allows clients to predict puffs, which makes bullet puffs from hitscan weapons appear instantly. + - Added a CVAR (wi_autoscreenshot) to allow screenshots to automatically be taken upon entering the intermission screen. + - Added a menu entry to for the GZDoom HUD, i.e. + - Added CVAR cl_clientflags which controls both cl_unlagged and cl_respawnonfire to save bandwidth and make future booleans easier to transmit over the network. + - Added CVAR compat_autoaim which restores vanilla autoaim, as there was a switch to autoaim filling in the gaps due to limited number of tracers from vanilla. + - Added a decorate flag DONTIDENTIFYTARGET which prevents player identification from being done to the actor. + - Added cl_showspawns, which creates a particle fountain at active spawns. Such a call now uses 9 to 21 bytes of bandwidth per client per call (depending on the size of arguments), instead of 22 to 29 bytes. + - Significantly bandwidth-optimized server-to-client ACS_Execute (and friends) calls. + - The authentication mechanism for non-map related lumps now allows Freedoom 0.9/Doom clients to join Doom/Freedoom 0.9 servers. + - Added a Network Options menu which will contain all new network options. Should not be set to false in public servers. + - Added CVAR sv_limitcommands which can be set to false to disable various flooding limits (allow constant suiciding, team changing, disable command flood auto-kick, etc). + - Added support for Zandronum-specific gamemodes for the alternative HUD. Note: this is only a hint for server browsers! Authentication is and has always been lump-based and not WAD-based! This is controlled with the new command-line option -optfile and the new preferoptionalwads CVar. + - The server can now advertise WADs as optional so long as said WADs are not necessary for clients to join. + - Added dmflag sv_unblockallies which is exactly like sv_unblockplayers except only unblocks ally players. + - Added domination and customteamgame to SBarInfo gamemode detection.

gzdoom svn

User CVars are not support for now though.

gzdoom svn

This includes support for CVars that are automatically synced between server and clients. + - Ported CVARINFO lump support and the ACS functions SetCVar, GetCVarString and SetCVarString from ZDoom. + - Added compat_maxbloodscalar which will enforce vanilla red screen damage as if the blood_fade_scalar was 1.0. + - Added a new compatflags cvar: compat_silentwestspawns, emulates Vanilla compatibility by not performing any spawnfog/sounds for west angled spawns. + - When a banned client is prevented from connecting, the ban reason (if specified in the banlist) is logged to the server console (adapted form Konar6's kpatch). + - Added the OS used to the version string the server sends to the launchers (adapted form Konar6's kpatch). *+ - Added quad-buffered stereo / 3D Vision support to the GL renderer (minimal invasive implementation based on biospud's GZ3Doom). Code: Select all *+ - Updated Zandronum's (G)ZDoom base to ZDoom SVN revision 2560 / GZDoom SVN revision 900

Gzdoom svn